Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Relationship Tag

I guess it's only fair...I did tag Sam and now she's tagged me back. Here we go.

What is his name? Sean

How long have you been married? 4 Years

How old is he? Three days younger than me

Who eats more? Sean

Who said "I love you" first? He did

Who is taller? Sean

Who sings better? Me

Who is smarter? Toss up. We both like to think we're the smart one in the relationship. But we're smart about different things.

Whose temper is worse? Depends on what the topic is. I would say Sean is more threatening when his temper flares. I just get mad for five minutes and then I get over it.

Who does the laundry? Me

Who does the dishes? Usually me

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Laying in it, I do.

Who pays the bills? Bill pay. And Sean. And occasionally me if Sean forgets.

Who mows the lawn? A bunch of guys that come once a week with their lawn mowers and trimmers (we live in an apartment).

Who cooks dinner? Toss up. We both cook dinner. Lately I've been feeding Jilly when Sean walks in the door so he'll start something while I finish feeding her.

Who drives when you are together? Before Jilly was born I did because we took my car. Now I make Sean drive.

Who is more stubborn? Me and sometimes Sean

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Not me. We both hate admitting we're wrong. Obviously something we need to work on...

Whose parents do you see the most? Mine just because they come to visit down here more often. Sean and I are from the same hometown so when we go home we see them both about the same.

Who proposed? Sean

Who has more friends? Me

Who has more siblings? Me, I have 4, he has one.

Who wears the pants in the family? Jillian...

If you want to play, then tag, you're it. I just hate naming people to do it. But feel free to participate...