Thursday, July 10, 2008

6 Month Check-up

Jillian had her 6 month well check today. She weighs 14 lbs 12 oz and is 25 1/4 inches long. If you recall at her 4 month check she was 14 lbs 4.5 oz and 25 inches long so not much growth. She was in the 75 % for length and the 64% for weight. This month she was in the 27% for length and 23% for weight so she's slowed way down in the growth area but the doctor didn't seem concerned and said that since her numbers were correlating that Jillian was doing well. Apparently, there can be slow down in growth around 6 months because babies are starting to be more mobile. We know all about that...

Jillian took her shots like a champ (not really, she screamed the whole time, the medical assistant took a long time to give them to her, I was not impressed, but Jilly was fine as soon as it was over) and I got this picture after the fact.
Oh, she also wanted to show off her cool Bugs Bunny band aids. What a tough cookie!