Thursday, August 5, 2010


Last week Sean and I took Chloe in to get fitted for her helmet. I was ready for the messy process of casting. Much to my surprise the place we went to uses this fancy machine: They just put her in the machine, Sean held her there, and in about 30 seconds scanned her head to make a 3-D model. They trimmed up her image on the computer so that her feeding tube (which she was wearing while she was scanned) and her hair were not skewing the results and sent it off to Florida where they make the helmets. Then 10 days later we went back in to pick up the helmet. Oh, and we got to pick a cute pattern for the helmet which I was excited about.

Chloe trying it out for the first time.

She doesn't mind the helmet too much but we're still working our way to wearing it all day and night. In a couple days we'll be up to wearing it 23 hours a day.

She is so cute! Also, Chloe has gained one pound in a week! We are excited that the night feeds are working. She is looking a little pudgy these days and is getting heavy to carry around. That's what we like! She is up to 14 lbs 3 oz and is 25 inches long.


Heather J. said...

I wish I only had 14 pounds of baby to lug around. My back is killing me! Her helmet is cute and she looks like she doesn't mind it.

Sheila C. said...

Awesome!!!!Cute helmet.

Berkley said...

So cute! It looks like Sawyer is going to need a helmet, too. They'll be helmet buddies.