Elliot was born on September 1st at 6:46pm. He weighed 8 lbls 6 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.
If you just wanted pictures and don't want to know the labor/delivery story then you can stop reading now. Onto the story:
I'd been having contractions off and on starting on Tuesday (Aug 30th). I knew things were getting pretty close. On Wednesday night my contractions started to become regular so we hauled the girls over to my sister's house at 11:30pm and headed over to the hospital. I was still only dilated to 1 cm (which is what I was at my doctor's appointment the week before). They made me walk around for an hour and checked me again and I was dilated to 2 cm. I thought we were in business but the longer we were there the less regular my contractions came on although I was in a lot of pain. I got some drugs in me and the hospital finally told me to go home at 4:30am. I had my regular doctor's appointment at 9am so they told me to go to that. Sean and I went home and went to sleep. At 6:30 I woke up to use the bathroom and I started bleeding a lot so we went back into Labor and Delivery. They checked me again and things were the same and said the bleeding was nothing to worry about (I was freaked out because it was a lot of blood that I lost). They told me to go home and follow up at my doctor's appointment. We came home and I showered for my appointment and Sean drove me there. The doctor came in (luckily she was on-call the night before so was aware of my situation) and we went over my options. I was still in a lot of pain so I was ready to be done. After talking for a few minutes, she checked me and I was dilated to 4cm! I sat up and said, "Shut up!" Probably not the nicest thing to say but I was so surprised because the hospital kept sending me home saying that nothing was happening. The doctor asked if I felt like I was going crazy, which I did. She sent us straight back to the hospital and I got checked in to a room right away. This was at 10:30 am.
The rest of labor was fairly uneventful. I got an epidural and felt much better. My contractions never really got regular so they put me on pitocin and finally around 6:30pm I was fully dilated. I pushed a few times and out he came. If only delivery was that easy the first two times!
I am recovering really well since delivery was fairly easy. The girls love love love their new brother and we are trying to adjust to sleepless nights once again. Elliot is an easy going guy and mostly just sleeps and eats and poops (and boy ever does he poop!). We just love him!
What a good looking boy!! Can't wait to meet him! He looks sooo different from the girls when they were newborns. I suppose that is normal since he's a boy, huh?
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