Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Elliot at 2 months

Elliot had his 2 month well check today. He is:

23.9 inches long, which is in the 82nd percentile
14lbs 14oz in weight, which is in the 98th (!) percentile
40.3 cm head circumference, which is in the 57th percentile

So basically he's a hefty kid with a small head but really, his head looks fine to me. The doctor looked him over and said he was perfect (what every mother wants to hear). We saw a different doctor today because our regular pediatrician is on maternity leave and won't be back until the end of January so Elliot will have his 4 month check with this other doctor as well.

Elliot is starting to smile and coo at us (mostly me but sometimes Sean). He still gets up 2-3 times in the night to eat but goes back to sleep pretty good so I guess I can't do too much complaining. At 2 months old, both of the girls were sleeping through the night most of the time so this is getting up multiple times in the night is new to me. He is usually pretty happy but really loves to be held which creates a bit of a problem when one of the girls needs me. I'm so happy Elliot is part of our family. I love this little man!


Heather J. said...

So if I ever have a girl do you think she will be small like your girls? I am thinking not, but who would've thought you'd have a chunky boy after those girls?

Marci Roberts said...

If there is anything I have learned about kids, it is that they are all different. They come with their own little personalities and desires.

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