Sunday, February 3, 2008


Melissa tagged me so here goes...

A- Attached or single: Attached to a wonderful husband and beautiful daughter.
B- Best Friend: I agree with Mel on this one...lots of great friends, but I would say that my mom and Heather are probably my best friends.
C-Cake or Pie: Cheesecake, which is more pie like...
D-Day: I spend my days with a 4 week old, any adult interaction is a bonus.
E- Essential Item: Chapstick, I never leave home without it.
F- Favorite Color: Purple
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Worms, but only if they're the sour kind
H-Home town: Burley, ID and Zillah, WA but I usually only claim Zillah.
I- Indulgences: Long showers on the weekend when Sean can watch Jillian.
J- January or July?: I really don't like the heat, but I really hate the cold so I guess I have to go with July although I was married and Jillian was born in January so it's a good month in that regard.
K-Kids: One beautiful daughter, Jillian.
L-Life is incomplete without: Love, family, and laughter.
M- Marriage Date: January 24, 2004
N- Number of Siblings: 4-two brothers and two sisters and one brother-in-law
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples, my new favorites are Honeycrisp Apples. Yum!
P- Phobias or Fears: Making phone calls...weird, I know.
Q- Quote(s): "Be yourself, who else is better qualified?"
R- Reason To Smile: A new baby smiling or sleeping.
S- Season: I love fall, I love leaves changing colors and wearing sweaters.
T- Tag: Two--Heather and Sam (and anyone else who wants to play).
U- Unknown Fact About Me: This one is life is pretty much an open book. Just ask my family.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Meat good...
W- Worst Habit: I am addicted to candy and eat a lot of it.
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I've had both. I've had x-rays and ultrasounds of my thyroid gland and ultrasounds of my uterus when there was a baby inside. I'd definitely have to go with the baby ultrasounds.
Y-Your favorite food: I love food. My favorite varies from week to week.
Z: Zodiac Sign: Libra, as is Sean. One of the biggest traits of Libras is their indecisiveness. Sean and I are indecisive when it comes to what to eat for dinner a lot...


mommymelb said...

Those Honeycrisp apples are yummy! Your answers are fun!