Friday, March 6, 2009

Returning to normal

I know it's been awhile since I've blogged but I don't have much to blog about this week I guess. Things are returning to normal as Sean has been back to work and even received a paycheck (yay, we can eat!). We are also seeing more of Sean in the evenings which is the perfect amount of seeing him (he's not home all day but he's home from work at a decent hour).
Jillian and I are back to our normal routine except she's been teething which is always a pain (for both of us). She is getting some molars and they have been doosies to deal with.
She's also getting more independent and won't let me feed her anymore so I've been trying to come up with foods she can eat all by herself without making a gigantic mess. So far messiness has won. What can you do?

Jillian is getting bigger and bigger. But she's still pretty small. She's finally starting to wear some of her 12 month clothing (at 14 months). She's even still in her rear facing car seat because she's not big enough to turn around. She's getting close though.We're still trucking away. We've got some fun things coming up in the next week so I'm sure there will be more posts to come!


Berkley said...

Those pictures of her are so cute. Bailey is still more than happy to have us feed her. She won't even hold her sippy cup on her own. Ha. It'll be nice when you can use a front facing car seat. Bailey likes it so much more than her other car seat.

Sheila C. said...

Glad that things are getting back to normal and things are feeling good. She is growing up...

Marci Roberts said...

Glad things are returning to normal. Normal is nice