Friday, July 23, 2010

Hanging at the Hospital

Chloe is at the hospital again. This time we are trying to figure out why she isn't gaining any weight. She's been a good baby and everyone here loves her. I hear multiple times a day how cute she is (not that I ever get sick of hearing that!). I wanted to post some pictures of some of the tests she's had to take but Blogger is not letting me upload more than one so here is the one I got to load and the rest will have to wait for another time!


Heather J. said...

Sweet girl. You know, if you just look at her face you wouldn't know she was small for her age. She has cute little cheeks. :)

Unknown said...

She's so adorable! :) I hope they are able to get you some answers soon. How long has it been since she's gained weight? Audrey didn't really gain any weight for about 7 months, but now she's catching up. Hope it's an easy fix. Keep us posted...

Melissa said...

Poor little baby. I just checked my facebook today and I didn't know you guys were at the hospital! So sorry! Hopefully they can figure out how to make her gain weight...who ever thought not gaining weight could be a problem?