Sunday, January 18, 2009


As Sean and I were getting ready for church this morning we got a call from one of the counselors in the bishopric asking us if he could meet with us right before church. We knew this could only mean one thing...NEW CALLINGS! As we went in and were speculating on what we could possible be called to. This counselor is over the primary so we assumed it would be something with the kiddies. Much to our surprise Sean and I were asked to be Den Leaders for the 9-year-old Cub Scouts. Immediately I started to laugh. I thought maybe he was joking. The more he talked the more I realized it was not a joke and then I wanted to cry! Sean and I are about the most inexperienced people when it comes to anything scouting. My family was not into scouts (that is until my youngest brother was old enough to do them and that was after I was out on my own). Sean got kicked out* of the Cub Scouts when he was a boy after a freak accident that was not his fault. But what can you do when the Lord calls you to do something? You say, "Yes," (or in our case, "Oh-kay?") and pray that you'll have some divine help. Wish us luck in our new endeavor. We start this week!

P.S. We were very relieved to find out that we would not be called into the nursery for the 4th time!

*Sean tells me he was not "kicked out" but was asked not to come back, same difference if you ask me.


Melissa said...

Ah that's hilarious! I mean, does Sean even know how to tie knots? j/ many people really know how to do this?

Sheila C. said...

Good luck with that one!!!! I had to chuckle as I sat here and read your many of those cute little nine year olds do you have?? Let's just be thankful it was not the nursery again!

Unknown said...

I don't think congratulations is in order, but hopefully you all will end up loving it! I had that calling for about 4 months several years ago. I thought it was interesting to call someone that didn't have any boys or experience in scouts. I guess I didn't do to well, since I only lasted a few months. I wish you all luck!

Heather J. said...

Good Luck! Stephen and I would be in a similar boat if we got that calling. How are things going aside from that.

Amy said...

Yeah for no nursery! I feel ya. Maybe this is the Lord's way of giving Sean a second chance at scouts. Things will be better this time for him because it is a calling. May still be hard, but has to be better.