Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No baby yet

After assuring everyone that we would be having a baby today no matter what, we are home from the hospital sans baby.

Let me explain: Sean and I went into the hospital dutifully an hour and a half before my procedure. I got hooked up to the monitors, the IV got started, got some blood drawn and took the pre-c-section drugs, plus got a shot to stop any contractions. This took about an hour. The doctor then came in with the ultrasound machine to check out where the baby was hanging out and low and behold her head was down. That took everyone by surprise, especially the doctor. The doctor then told us that my options were to wait until labor started on its own or we could just induce. Since I was still only dilated to 1 cm, Sean and I decided to wait for nature to take its course. The doctor did tell me we could induce any time after today if we decide to but it would be easier if we waited until conditions were more desirable (i.e. being dilated to a 3-4 cm). Right now I'm a big fan of not being in the hospital for 24+ hours before the baby comes. I'll try to keep everyone updated but for right now we're just waiting for baby to decide it is time for her grand entrance.

Oh, and the nurses felt bad that they poked and prodded me before they even checked the ultrasound. Maybe that means they won't charge me for all the stuff they did do to me (wishful thinking!).


Heather J. said...

You are better than me. I would have told them to induce! haha. Well, I hope she decided to come on her own sooner than later.

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm glad she turned on her own. Probably much better for her and you! :) And good plan on waiting to be induced - no fun having a difficult labor when your body and the baby isn't ready. Excited to hear the news when she decides to make her entrance! :)

Marci Roberts said...

Good luck on not getting charged for all that stuff. I am sure you will, but hopefully the insurance will cover it. Hopefully she doesn't turn back!!! Good luck with it all.

mommymelb said...

You still sound optimistic! I hope that she comes soon for you!