Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We're home!

I realized that I never posted about us coming home from the hospital! Sheesh. I blame it on post-pregnancy hormones (which are just as bad or worse than pregnancy hormones in case you were wondering).

Chloe was released from the NICU on Sunday after having an echo cardiogram (ultrasound of the heart). The doctor heard a heart murmur so wanted a better idea of what was going on. Chloe has a hole in between her upper portions of her heart. Lots of people have a hole there when they are born and never know it. The hole eventually closes in most cases. Chloe's hole is larger than most so the doctors are concerned that it might not close. It is something that only time will tell. At her two month appointment, if the murmur is still present, we'll do another echo and go from there.

We saw the pediatrician yesterday for Chloe's first visit. She is 6 lbs 12 oz (in the NICU she was down to 6 lbs 3 oz so she's gained back her birth weight plus some), 18 inches long which puts her in the 18th percentile for weight and 3rd percentile for length. Anyway, she's small but we already knew that. Everything else looks good, the doctor was concerned about her bilirubin levels but they went down so no bilibed with this kid!

On another note, my child is an escape artist. I had her completely clothed and swaddled with both arms in the blanket when I laid her down. When she woke up I found her like this:

I'm going to have to keep my eye on this one!


Sheila C. said...

I hope all goes well. I can not believe her HAIR!!!

Anonymous said...

She is going to be a tough one to keep dressed! How in the world did she do that?


Heather J. said...

oh, that is reminding me of Vance as an infant. Watch out!

Marci Roberts said...

What a cutie!! Have fun with her. I have often wondered when my big kids "hug and kiss" Nyah if it is possible to have too much love. jk