Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Helmet Update

"Darth Vader wears a helmet just like Chloe!" Jillian said to me one morning. Where she comes up with this stuff, I have no idea.
Yesterday Chloe had another helmet scan and her head had only grown 2mm (last month her head had grown 15mm). The helmet guy said this is the age that head growth slows way down. Her head is looking so good that we get to take off the helmet during the day and only have to wear it for nap and bedtime!!! Wahoo! Chloe seems pretty excited to be helmet free a good chunk of the day and her eyes aren't as watery which I'm sure is related (I'm just not sure why). One more month of partial day wear and then we should be done with the helmet!


Heather J. said...

Yay for less helmet time! I think it's funny that Jillian knows who Darth Vadar is- her Dad's influence?

Sheila C. said...

Wonderful news!!!!

Berkley said...

Can't wait 'til we're there.

Marci Roberts said...

I bet that is great for both of you.