Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mommy Haircut

It was time. Time for the mommy haircut. My hair was driving me crazy and so I cut it off. A lot of it. But that's ok. I like it shorter. And it grows fast. And I'm hoping it will take me less time to do now that it's short (we'll have to see about that, I've only had one day with this 'do). Because with a baby coming who has time to do their hair? Also, I am 33 weeks along. Only 7 more to my due date.


Marv Loucks said...

It looks so cute! I just cut mine not to long ago too! 15 inches. It is so much different, but it is SOOO easy. NO more pony tails, but it looks like I actually do things with my hair everyday now! I like it, it looks really cute. And it will make things easier when the baby arrives. Besides, you won't have to do much in the hospital with it when the baby comes! :)