Wednesday, October 15, 2008

9 month check up

Jilly-Ann-Beana-Boo had her 9 month check up with the doctor on Monday. Here are her stats:

Length: 27.5 inches 53%tile
Weight: 14 lbs 10 oz 1%tile

That's right, Jillian is in the one percentile for weight...And this is what the doctor said, "Fatten up your kid!!!"

You may recall that little Miss Jilly was 14 lbs 12 oz at her 6 month check up and 14 lbs 4 oz at her 4 month check up. So she really hasn't grown at all (and actually from her 6 month she's shrunk). Oh, and have I mentioned that she loves to eat? She eats more than my one-year old nephew does. I want her metabolism. Anyway, I have to add fatty things to her diet, like butter and cream cheese and peanut butter. Also, I'm supposed to give her sugared cereals instead of plain ones. You know, all the things you're not supposed to feed babies...
Lucky kid. Hopefully we can get her weight up before her one year check up. That's when the doctor said we'd need to worry. So send us your fatty thoughts. Well, just Jillian. Sean and I are fat enough all by ourselves.


Edmond said...

No skim milk for Jilly.

Heather J. said...

Too bad you can't take a chunk of unwanted fat from your body and stick it on Jillian. Maybe she should talk to Vance and he can give her some pointers on fattening up.

Marci Roberts said...

Truthfully I think giving your kids all of that fatty stuff is crazy. Dallin is skinny and was always low on the weight charts but I think that is just Dallin because he seems to eat okay, he is more picky than Melissa but think of all that cholesterol they are avoiding.

Anonymous said...

Is this child related to any of us? I think that she must have been switched at birth. Oh, we all were there and she is really yours. Well, so much for thinking all our babies are fatty roly poly kids. Can I have her metabolism for just 6 months? She can have mine and then we will both be about right.


Melissa said...

Kaylin says to feed her peanut's better than just plain butter. She's the expert and I just do what she tells me.