Friday, November 14, 2008

On Monday I while I was getting ready for work I was thinking to myself how nice it would be to have a day off. I just wanted a day or so to catch up on stuff around the house (like cleaning, making a dinner menu and then grocery shopping for said menu). I mentioned my desire to my coworker and went about my morning. That afternoon I was called into the office and my supervisor let me know that I was being laid off. My company was cutting a few people, I already knew, so I wasn't too shocked to find out. I was however, very sad. After making such a hard decision to go back to work and finding that I really enjoyed working, and my job, and the people I worked with, I was now being asked to leave. I know there are some benefits to being laid off (like being home all day with Jillian again, having time to clean my house, etc...) but I am really bummed about the whole situation.

Today was my last day of work and everyone was just so sad, not just for me but a lot of good hard working people are losing their jobs. It is heartbreaking, not only for those that are being let go but for those that are staying and have to pick up the slack that all the empty positions will be leaving behind. I love my job. I hope that the economy will turn around sooner rather than later and things will go back to normal.

Next time I think I need a day off I'm going to keep it to myself.


Edmond said...

I hope things do turn around, especially for you.

Love you.

Amy said...

So sorry. That really stinks. I hope the economy turns around too. Good luck and enjoy your time with Jillian!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry Holly! It's frustrating to get into a new routine and then have things fall through. I'm sure Jillian is happy to have you home though. :)

Sheila C. said...

Oh, you have been on an emotional roller coaster ride! Sorry to hear your bad news, just remember when a door closes a window opens. Enjoy your time with Jillian they grow up to fast.

InspirednTired said...

I'm sorry to hear that! That totally sucks!