Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Lights

We decided that this would be the week to go look at lights. The weather has been warmer so it's been nice to drive around without a ton of snow in the way. Our first light show was at our local city park. They do a bunch of fun light up characters. You can drive around or get out and walk. Since it was raining we decided to stay in the car. A big elephant.


A mermaid and other sea creatures.

A moose.

I think we'll have to go back on a night that isn't raining/snowing so we can get out of the car and look at all the lights.

Our next adventure was to take the train to Salt Lake City and look at the lights on Temple Square.

Waiting for the train to come.

Jillian riding the train. She has her ticket in her hand.

Chloe enjoying the train ride.

The Nativity scene.

There are a lot more lights around the square, I just didn't take any pictures of them. I think we were too busy enjoying the view. Jillian had a great time riding the train and I was so glad we could go see the lights. Sean and I have been meaning to since we moved to Utah and this is the first year we actually did (it only took 5 years!).