Jillian got a visit from the Easter Bunny. That's him in the picture. But mostly this post is about how cute my little girl is. Hope everyone had a good Easter!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Posted by Holly at 12:00 PM 4 comments
Jillian has this cute classic Winnie the Pooh outfit and we'd never put the hat that matches on her. Since it's getting warmer out (and hopefully, continues to get even warmer) we thought we'd better make use of the hat before it was too warm out to wear it. Here we are ready to face the cold, cold world.
Posted by Holly at 11:57 AM 1 comments
I think Jillian looks like me. I may be wrong but I'll just let you decided for yourself. On the top is Jillian and her dad's hand, on the bottom is me and my dad. We're even both wearing yellow. Jillian does have more hair though. In fact, I was looking at baby pictures of Sean and he didn't have much hair either. So where did Jillian get her crop of hair? Beats me!
Posted by Holly at 11:41 AM 1 comments
Grandma Opal
Sean and I are going to Washington this week. We found out on Saturday that Sean's Grandma Opal has passed away. I know Sean really cared for his Grandma, she was his caregiver when he was little and she always was ready to feed us whenever we came to visit even if we had just eaten. She was always watching out for Sean and his sister. This is a picture of Sean with his grandma, obviously not recent...Grandma Opal often told a story about Sean that made her laugh. It was Christmas and Sean was about 5 years old. His cousin had gotten a remote controlled car for Christmas and not to be outdone Sean exclaimed, "Oh, yeah? Well, I got remote controlled socks!" Everyone got a big chuckle out of that. I think Grandma Opal always thought Sean was a funny kid and this was one of her memories of that and she often told me the story of Sean and his remote controlled socks. Grandma Opal, you will be missed!
Posted by Holly at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Rolling Over
I wouldn't believe this if I hadn't seen it and then caught it on video. Jillian is only 10 1/2 weeks old and here she is rolling over. What a strong girl I have. And I know it's not a fluke because by the time I caught it on video she'd done it three times!
Posted by Holly at 1:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Today I had to dress Jillian in a 3-6 month onsie. The 0-3 month onsies are just too small. I also put her in a 3-6 month outfit. My little girl is growing too fast!
Posted by Holly at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
10 Weeks
I forgot to mention that my baby is 10 weeks old! Where did the time go? It feels like I just brought her home from the hospital. Really, I just wanted to post another picture of her because she's just so darn adorable!
Posted by Holly at 9:38 PM 0 comments
No Smiles
Jillian was looking so cute yesterday so I took lots of pictures of her. No really, I took 65 pictures of this cutie! I was playing with the black and white and sepia features too so that can account for some of the 65 pictures. Can you believe she didn't smile in one of these 65 pictures? Sure, she looked pretty pleasant in most of them, but no smiles. We'll have to try again later I guess.
Posted by Holly at 6:47 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Jillian's Favorite Things
Posted by Holly at 4:23 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Doctor Visit
Jillian and I took a trip to the doctor today because she has a rash on her face, you can vaguely see it in this picture. Turns out the poor thing has eczema. I'm sorry to admit she inherited that from me. Anyway, she snuggled with the doctor and then cried when I had to dress her again. We just need to keep her lotioned up. Sean hates lotion so this looks like it will be my job to keep her lubed up.
Posted by Holly at 3:26 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Rattles Take Two
I solved the rattle problem. I remembered I had these rattles that strapped to her arms. She had fun with them for a few minutes.
Posted by Holly at 9:39 PM 4 comments
The last little while I've been trying to get Jillian interested in a rattle. She will watch it for a few seconds and then become disinterested. She's recently had a death grip on anything she gets in her little hand and so I thought if I could get the rattle in her hand maybe she'd find it more interesting. While I did finally get her to grasp it (this took a few days), she would only hold it for a second and then let go. I guess she's not too interested yet.
Posted by Holly at 1:12 PM 2 comments
Posted by Holly at 12:57 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Jillian has been talking to us a lot lately so I tried to catch it on video. I mostly got me talking but the wave at the end is all her.
Posted by Holly at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
2 months old
Posted by Holly at 2:04 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Ice Fountain
Sean and I have decided that we really don't care for the management at the apartment complex we live in. They aren't very nice and they're kinda dumb. So you may be thinking to yourself, "Well then, why have you lived there for the last three years?" I must say that this has not always been the case. We really loved the management when we moved in. The people were friendly and helpful and nice. We've gone through a few managers since then and we really haven't been impressed with the last couple. There are too many things to rant about and they're kinda petty but they all add up for us. The latest is the subject of this post. We have this large fountain in the front of our complex. It's very nice and noisy if you live in the building right next to it (we don't, thankfully). They usually turn it off when the weather gets cold enough to become freezing but someone dropped the ball this year because it started freezing. It was kinda funny so we took a picture. We figured once someone noticed they'd turn the fountain off. Silly us. They just kept it on all winter. And it kept growing. We took some pictures in the beginning probably sometime in November and then right before I had Jillian we took the third picture which was in January. The fountain continued to grow after this although we stopped obtaining photographic evidence of it.
In February, I saw a couple taking a picture in front of it with a professional photographer. Engagement photos maybe? I'm not sure. I also saw a man climb the frozen fountain with an ice pick. This is no small ice chunk. It probably was 15 feet tall with water gushing out of the top another 5 feet or so. Eventually, (read last week) the complex turned off the fountain after we had a really warm week and all the ice melted. So now we just have a gurgle in the pond where the gigantic fountain used to be. I'm surprised no one got hurt when it came crashing down once it started melting.
There were huge ice chunks on the ground about two weeks ago. Why didn't the complex just save themselves some trouble and turn off the water before it got cold enough to make a huge ice sculpture? We're not sure. Maybe it was too much trouble to winterized the fountain. Maybe the cost would've been too great and they didn't want to pass the cost on to their tenants (unlikely, as they love to raise the rent, but that's a rant for another day). I must say, as it's been warming up I miss the tower of ice. Every time we would go somewhere we would look to see if it had grown since we saw it last. Now we just have a pond to look at and we have to turn our annoyance of our complex to other, less funny things.
Posted by Holly at 10:43 AM 2 comments
Sean's New Job
Sean got a new job about 5 weeks ago for a company that does programming for a real estate website. I'm not exactly sure what he does (all that computer lingo I'm not hip to) but he programs and he likes it. That's all I really need to know. Anyway, he's on his company website, if you scroll down a bit he's the first person spotlighted. We're very excited that he got this job as it has allowed me to be able to stay home with Jillian. I know Sean really wanted me to stay home so I could get the packages from the UPS man when he came. If no one is here packages go to the apartment complex office and we avoid going there if at all possible (more about them later).
Posted by Holly at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
It was about that time. Time for Jillian to move into her own room. Up until now she's been sleeping in her bassinet at the foot of our bed. But since she insists on sucking on her fingers so loudly we had to move her so we could get some sleep at night (it obviously didn't prevent her from sleeping since she'll suck on them when she's awake, asleep, and half asleep). We were all set to do make the move on Friday night but it just got so late and we weren't ready (the bumper for her crib was still in the dryer) so we just stuck her in the bassinet for one more night.
Saturday night rolled around and I had been putting her in the crib all day for her naps and she seemed content enough so I we tried it out at night and we slept so well that she was screaming before I woke up enough in the middle of the night to feed her. In fact, Sean woke up before me and that is really saying something. He can sleep through alarm clocks, earthquakes, and probably the apocalypse. The funny thing is Jillian is now sleeping only 10 feet away from where she was when she was in our room (we live in a small apartment). Our rooms share a wall and the doorways are only about a foot away from each other and we didn't close the doors. Luckily, Jillian only gets up once in the night. If she got up more than that we might just sleep right on through her cries. Last night was better, I did hear her before she sounded panicked so I'm thinking this will work out. Sean and I are feeling much more rested and that's always a good feeling!
Posted by Holly at 12:04 PM 4 comments