Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Party for Two

I am a bit on the antisocial side. For those of you who know me you are probably shocked but it's true, I am. I was determined today that although I am antisocial that Jillian shouldn't be and so we went to the park where a group of ladies from my ward meet once a week for a playgroup. I drove to the park because it's just too darn hot to walk so I pulled up and noticed there were no cars there. No biggie, Jillian and I could go and park it under a tree for some shade and wait for the people to arrive. I did notice that I arrived at the park later than the appointed time (by 5 minutes or so). I looked around and realized that there was not another soul at the park which is unusual since it is located right in the middle of a subdivision with lots of kids. I figured Jillian and I would just enjoy a few acres of grass to ourselves for awhile.
And we did.
After about 40 minutes Jillian started to get grumpy (it was nap time after all) so we left. Only one car pulled up the entire time we were there and no one got out. It's kinda nice to have a whole park to yourself once in awhile. Especially when you're antisocial.