Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Project

I wanted to do something cute for the baby's room. Since Sean and I live in an apartment painting is out, as well as wallpapering, hanging lots of cute things on the wall, etc. I found a piece of metal and framed it and put magnets on wooden letters and butterflies and fireflies and I'm going to hang it on her wall. So we'll only have to put two little nails in the wall instead of 13. It's not currently on the wall but on my living room floor as there is a giant computer desk taking up most of the baby's room. Oh, and yes, we're naming her Jillian, and yes, I know that one of the Ls is crooked. But it's just hanging there so it's easily fixed. I just didn't notice until after I took the picture. Anyway, Sean's project for the weekend is to move the computer desk out of the baby's room so I can hang my creation.