Wednesday, April 2, 2008

TV Fanatic

I've always been a fan of American Idol since the show first started. Sean and I would watch it together when we first started dating (little did I know he only watched it because I liked it. I found that out much later). I think I've kept up on the seasons pretty regularly except for season 2 with Ruben and Clay and I'm not sure what I was doing that year. Maybe I didn't have TV, I can't remember. Anyway, I was watching tonight and Jillian was getting sleepy so I would try to lay her down during the commercials but she would cry and arch her back and get mad so I'd pick her up and go watch some more American Idol while trying to get her to calm down enough to fall asleep. She wouldn't let me sit down so I would stand up and she would lay her head on my shoulder and watch the TV and coo at the Idol contestants. I finally gave up trying to put her to bed before Idol was over because she was fascinated. She's been fascinated by the TV for awhile and I think it's because the TV is so bright and colorful. I can usually get her attention from it by talking to her or playing with her but not tonight. I wish I caught a video of it but since I was the only one home at the time and I was holding her this was the best I could do.

What a silly little girl!


Heather J. said...

Jillian sounds very funny. I look forward to seeing her again someday...

mommymelb said...

Your AI experience is the opposite of mine...I only watched season 2 :) It's amazing what we do to get babies to be quiet sometimes...