Friday, September 5, 2008

8 Months Old

Jillian is 8 months old today. She hasn't grow much physically but she sure has changed a lot. She is now crawling around quite well and can get most places if there is some incentive to do so. She is quite a talker, she says, "mama", "dada", "no", lots of babbling that we don't understand and sometimes she repeats things we say to her. She's also recently learned how to squeal which is funny once or twice but then gets a little embarrassing when we are someplace that requires a quiet voice (the library, church, etc...). Jillian will wave hello and goodbye but usually she just waves whenever she feels like it. She also loves to clap and to play Pat-a-Cake and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Jillian also loves to stand up and is very good at pulling herself up. She is an active, happy baby and we love her so much!


Heather J. said...

She is growing up fast. Isn't it fun to watch them learn new things?

Anonymous said...

She can crawl!!!!!

Very cool


Berkley said...

She's crawling?!?! That's crazy! They're growing SO fast.