Sunday, January 6, 2008

Jillian's here!!!

She's here! After 27 hours at the hospital Jillian Ivy Galland made her appearance into the world. Sean and I drove to the hospital at 7pm on January 4th where I was admitted and was put into a room. I got a pill in order to ripen my cervix (it was not oral...) every four hours. My contractions started about 12am and they were pretty manageable until about 4am when I needed some pain killers. Sadly, the pain killer only worked for about 20 minutes before it wore off and the contractions were quite painful. I wasn't even dilated yet so I knew we were in for the long haul. I finally got an epidural at 9am which made life so much better. Thank goodness for drugs!!! I still wasn't really progressing much until about 4pm when I finally was dilated to a 4 (I went from a one to a four in just an hour). I stayed at a 4 until 7:30ish when I jumped to 9 cm dilated!!! My doctor was shocked. So were the nurses. I had to have two nurses check me just because the first one didn't believe that I jumped up so quick. I started pushing 8pm and Jillian came out at 9:53pm. The doctor was nervous that she was too big for my pelvis (apparently it was a tight squeeze) but I was bound and determined not to have a c-section so I just went for it and pushed her out. I'm pretty sore today but so excited that she's here. Jillian was born on January 5th. She has a full head of dark hair and was alert right out of the gate. She weighs 8 pounds 9oz and is 20 1/2 inches long. She has dark eyes and her dad's ears. We love her so much! And we'll post more pictures later...promise!


Unknown said...

Congratulations Sean and Holly! We're so happy for your family. What a blessing! Holly, take it easy and enjoy your helpers. Looking forward to more pictures. You look like one proud mama!

mommymelb said...

"it wasn't oral"! You crack me up!!!! Glad to see you still have a sense oh humor after a long labor! How is your sleep coming?

Edmond said...

Aunt Sheila said she cannot believe how much Jillian looks like you. I know you describe all the things that look like Sean too. Isn't it kind of interesting how we can see who ever we think we should see?

Sam said...

congrats Hol!!!

I haven't been around, I can't believe she took so long to make her appearance, but I am glad that she is healthy and you can hold her and cuddle with her now... cute baby, I am looking forward to more pictures!

The Elms said...

Congratulations guys!! You have a beautiful family! Enjoy every moment, the "littleness" goes away so fast!! She's so cute. (Shawna)