Sunday, January 27, 2008

Three Weeks Old

Ok, technically, Jillian was three weeks old yesterday. And she was in a really cute outfit and I was prepared to take a cute picture and post it then but Sean was holding her and she peed on him through the diaper. So we had to change into a not so cute outfit and I didn't want to take a picture of it. Besides, she got that one wet too only about an hour later so we finally gave up and put her in her pjs. This is a picture of Jillian today, all ready for church. She did so good and slept all through Sacrament meeting and Sunday School and then we got to Relief Society and she did really well for about 15 minutes and then had a blow out which woke her up and we had to leave. Slowly we are working our way to making it to all of church. Once we got home she was so hungry and dirty and she was crying so hard because we stripped her of her stinky clothes that we didn't even bother to get her dressed but let her hang out in her diaper for awhile. She didn't seem to mind, despite the face she's making in the picture.

P.S. Heather, everyone at church loved her dress!!!