Friday, January 18, 2008


This is my attempt at taking video with our new camera. Newborns aren't really that interesting, at least not to anyone but their adoring parents, but here's Jillian doing her baby thing. Enjoy.


Anonymous said... cute. I don't have many videos of my newborns, just because they never seem terribly interesting on video, but they sure are in person. Although, I smiled the entire time watching Jillian. What a little cutie! Did you stop taping to feed her? I can see she has a proud Daddy, too.

Sam said...

This is cute Hol... even if it's nothing 'interesting' that she's doing - it's sweet to get to hear your voices, and to see her moving around and stuff. I would have SWORN she was complaining to Sean about you video taping her instead of feeding her though... lol... cute kid you guys have got there!

Lanae said...

That was fun to watch! She's really a cutie. Lane, my baby watched as intently as I did. It was actually really funny.