Saturday, January 19, 2008

Two Weeks Old!

Jillian is now two weeks old. This week was much better than the first. No major medical problems (we did have some goopy eyes but they cleared up), the breastfeeding is going much better, and she's sleeping a good chunk of the night. Yay!


Unknown said...

Sounds like you guys are doing a great job as parents. Jillian is so beautiful! I enjoyed the video you made. One day when she can walk and talk and do everything else you can show her what she did when she was a newborn! :) She'll love it. I hope all continues to go well and enjoy that good chunk of sleep! :)

mommymelb said...

I want the "sleeping through a good chunk of the night" secret. I swear I'm still getting up every 2-3 hours! I'm turning into a zombie more and more each day!

The Elms said...

ohhhhhhh she is cute! Good job mommy and daddy! And sleeping though the night- you are so lucky!